
Dental extractions, also known as oral surgery is a common procedure involving removing teeth from the mouth. This procedure is typically performed by an oral surgeon or dentist when other treatments, such as fillings and root canals, have been unsuccessful in restoring a tooth to its original condition. Dental extractions or oral surgery may be needed for many reasons, including decay, gum disease, overcrowding, or trauma. To better understand the risks and benefits associated with extractions, we invite you to discuss the decision to undergo this procedure with your dentist.

Reasons for Getting a Tooth Extracted

The most common reason for getting a dental extraction is when decay has become too severe and cannot be treated with fillings or root canals. Decayed teeth are more susceptible to bacterial infections, which, if left untreated, can spread to other areas of the mouth. Additionally, some people may require extractions because of overcrowding, which can cause crowding of the teeth and difficulty cleaning them properly. Extraction and or oral surgery may also be necessary after trauma or injury resulting in a cracked or damaged tooth, or from periodontal infection and bone loss.

Preparation for the Procedure (Oral Surgery)

We will usually take x-rays and images of your teeth before the oral surgery procedure to identify potential complications. Your medical history will be thoroughly reviewed and updated to ensure all risks are minimized. Your doctor may also prescribe a bone graft at the time of extraction, depending on future restorations and stability of adjacent teeth. Once these steps are taken, the dentist will provide local anesthesia to minimize discomfort during the oral surgery.

The Extraction Process

The procedure involves making an incision into the gum tissue surrounding the tooth, then using special tools such as forceps and elevators to remove it from its socket carefully. Following the oral surgery, you may require stitches to close any gaps created by the extraction process. Sometimes, we may need to insert dental implants or bridges to replace missing teeth.

Aftercare Instructions and Tips for Recovery

After the extraction, we will provide instructions for proper aftercare and recovery. This may include taking antibiotics to prevent infection, avoiding very hot or cold foods, limiting strenuous activities, and avoiding drinking through a straw for the first few days. Your dentist will also likely recommend rinsing your mouth with salt water several times daily to promote healing. Additionally, it is essential to keep up with regular brushing and flossing habits throughout your recovery period to minimize the risk of further complications.

If you believe you may need an extraction, don’t hesitate to contact Roberson Dental today! Our compassionate and knowledgeable team will be happy to go over your options with you so that you can make an informed decision about whether this type of procedure is right for you. With years of experience in the field of dental extractions, Roberson Dental is here to get your smile back on track!

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