There can be a few different things that can cause gums to swell. Not all of them require an immediate trip to your Birmingham, AL dentist. Even though swollen gums are not an emergency in most cases, they are a sign that something is wrong. You do need to schedule an exam with Dr. Roberson to rule out something more serious. Swelling can happen suddenly if you get something like a chip or other foreign body stuck below the gumline. It can cause an infection sort of like when you get a splinter in your finger. It might be something simple, but it can also be something more serious like gum disease. Here are some of the most common reasons the gums become swollen.


You’ve probably heard of gingivitis as it is common. It’s one of the earliest stages of gum disease. It is easily treatable if it’s caught early on. It occurs when plaque builds up around your teeth and causes your gums to become infected. Often, before swelling is noticeable in the gums, they bleed easily. The gums may become swollen, red, and tender. Gingivitis needs to be taken seriously and you need to see Dr. Roberson at the earliest signs. In most cases, improving daily oral hygiene and regular professional cleanings can improve the condition. If it is not treated in a timely manner, it can lead to more serious gum disease and eventually tooth loss.

Trauma to the Mouth

If your mouth suffers a direct impact it can cause the gums to bleed or swell. It can also occur by introducing a new dental appliance like braces, dentures, or retainers. Even though the body usually adapts to the appliances given a little bit of time, they can swell or be uncomfortable for a short time.

An Oral Abscess

Sometimes when gingivitis is not treated early enough a serious infection can occur in the root of a tooth. When this occurs, an abscess may form. If this happens, a pocket of pus develops in the tooth. When it is serious, it can even spread throughout the body. If you suspect you have an abscess, you need to call Roberson Dental immediately so it can be treated before it worsens.

Poor Nutrition

A lack of vitamin C can cause the gums to swell. If your body isn’t getting enough vitamin C in your diet, you may experience swollen gums. Add foods that have high amounts of vitamin C to your diet to help reduce the swelling and keep your mouth healthy. Eat plenty of foods like kiwi, broccoli, kale, cherries, and citrus fruits for more vitamin C.

Starting a New Medication

There are some medications that can cause gums to swell. Some of the medications that are commonly linked to swollen gums include some blood pressure medications, chemotherapy, oral contraceptives, and immunosuppressants. If your gums swell as a result of mediation, discuss it with Dr. Roberson. He may be able to suggest an oral care routine that will minimize discomfort and help keep your teeth clean around the areas where the gums are swollen.

Switching Oral Care Products

If you made a change in your mouthwash or toothpaste and then noticed that your gums were swollen, you may be sensitive to one of the ingredients. Always read the ingredient labels to ensure the product doesn’t contain anything you are sensitive or allergic to.

 Contact Roberson Dental

As you can tell, there can be a lot of different things to cause your gums to swell. To prevent gum disease or other serious conditions from occurring, visit Dr. Roberson regularly, and maintain good oral hygiene practices.


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