Has your dentist recommended periodontal deep cleaning? If so, it may have sparked a lot of questions about why it is necessary and if it’s beneficial or not. Periodontal maintenance and deep cleaning are used to treat or prevent gum disease. Dr. Roberson, DDS may recommend deep cleaning if he notices signs of gum disease during an exam.

What’s the Purpose of Deep Cleaning?

The procedure helps stop the harmful effects of gum disease. He may also recommend it if you have chronic periodontal disease. Scaling or deep cleaning helps rid the mouth of harmful bacteria. When the bacteria grow in plaque that has built up on your teeth, it causes the gums to pull away from the teeth. Large pockets develop between the teeth and gums allowing a perfect place for more bacteria to grow. The trouble is that you cannot reach these areas with simple brushing. It takes a deep cleaning to remove the bacteria.

Isn’t a Regular Cleaning Enough?

When you get a routine dental cleaning, a hygienist or other dental professional cleans the front, back, and sides of your teeth just above the gumline. This occurs during a deep periodontal maintenance cleaning too, but the teeth are cleaned down to their roots below the gum line too. This helps to remove build-up and tartar from the pockets that have formed. In most cases, Dr. Roberson will recommend a deep cleaning if the gums have separated 5 or more millimeters from the teeth.

What are the Benefits of a Deep Cleaning?

Deep periodontal cleaning can help prevent gum disease from getting worse. Perfectly healthy teeth and gums contain plenty of bacteria. As these bacteria mix with food and other substances, plaque naturally forms. Most of the time, plaque is removed with regular brushing and flossing. But if plaque does not get brushed away, it begins to harden and eventually turns into tartar. A professional dental cleaning is the only way to get rid of it.

If the build-up of tartar is not addressed, it can lead to gingivitis which is the beginning of gum disease. You may notice your gums bleeding when you brush or floss, even if you are gentle. Other signs of gum disease include persistent bad breath, loose teeth, pain when chewing, increasingly sensitive teeth, and receding gumlines. Deep periodontal cleaning helps remove the buildup and restores your mouth to a much healthier condition.

What Happens After a Deep Cleaning?

As with any dental procedure, you may notice some swelling, soreness, or pain afterward. A local anesthetic is used during the procedure, so your mouth may be numb for the rest of the day after the appointment. If your gums feel tender, eat soft foods for a few days to give them time to heal properly. Cold food and drinks can sometimes be uncomfortable because the gums are more sensitive for a while after the procedure. Sometimes, Dr. Roberson prescribes antibiotics or a mouth rinse to prevent infection and aid in the healing process.

To ensure you are as pain-free as possible, always follow the after-care instructions provided by Dr. Roberson and his staff. Once the procedure has been completed, you should have a follow-up appointment to check on the healing process. If you are at a greater risk for gum disease, Dr. Roberson may recommend regular professional cleanings every three months instead of every six months.

Schedule Your Appointment At Roberson Dental

Is it time for your regular exam? Keeping up with routine exams, cleanings, and good oral care helps prevent gum disease. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us! Schedule your exam today.

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