Want to Know What Causes Gums to Swell? Here are a Few Reasons.
There can be a few different things that can cause gums to swell. Not all of them require an immediate trip to your Birmingham, AL dentist. Even though swollen gums are not an emergency in most cases, they are a sign that something is wrong. You do need to schedule an...
10 things to know about your baby’s teething times
It is exciting to see your baby’s first tooth appear from the gumline. But it can be difficult watching them be uncomfortable once they start cutting teeth. The more you know about your baby’s teething, the better able you will be to help them be as comfortable as...
How does fluoride build healthier teeth?
Sometimes, fluoride is referred to as “nature’s cavity fighter.” There are some good reasons behind that thinking, too. It is a mineral compound that can be useful for preventing cavities in both children and adults. It helps to make the enamel or outer surface of...
Five ways a TMJ dentist can help restore your smile
Oftentimes, TMJ disorder goes undiagnosed in patients because the symptoms suggest other health issues are to blame. But without a diagnosis and effective tmj treatment, the symptoms will progressively get worse and become more of a problem for the sufferer. TMJ can...
Canine Teeth Growing inside Your Gums? Find out How Your Birmingham Dentist Can Help
Having extra teeth isn’t a common topic for discussion. Some people experience more teeth than normal including canine teeth. Extra teeth in children is often linked to some medical conditions. If you find you or your kids have extra canine teeth or other teeth...
Are Dental Offices Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic
During the COID-19 pandemic, and moving forward, patients of Roberson Dental can rest assured that we will continue to follow the recommendations provided by the American Dental Association. Your Birmingham Dental Team continues to see patients on a case-by-case and...
How Delaying Dental Care Can Cost You More
Most dentists recommend an annual checkup and two cleanings per year. Some people tend to skip these routine visits. Instead, they want to wait until there are problems or pain before having a dentist check them out. They may notice a cavity or sore gums but want to...
Vaping and Your Oral Health
The use of e-cigarettes and vaping have become popular over the last few years. One reason its popularity has grown so rapidly is that vaping appears to pose fewer health risks than traditional cigarettes. While this may seem beneficial for your health, it’s important...
Oral Care Tips for Cold and Flu Season
Like it or not, we are in the midst of cold and flu season. Many houses will have members who experience one or the other and sometimes both. Of course, the primary goal is to kick it as soon as possible so you can feel better. You may not be thinking about your teeth...
Mon, Tue, Wed: 7:30am – 4:00pm
Thurs: 7:30am – 3:00pm
Fri, Sat, Sun: Closed
** Fridays are administrative work days for Roberson Dental.