
The Link Between Dental Health and Pneumonia

The Link Between Dental Health and Pneumonia

Your regular appointments with your Birmingham dentist can do more than just improve your dental health. Studies have shown that they may also prevent pneumonia and other respiratory ailments. Some of this might be chalked up to your dentist finding signs of health...

Dental Implants Can Fill Your Gaps

Dental Implants Can Fill Your Gaps

A beautiful bright smile is something that most of us want. However, it's not uncommon for many of us to have dental issues that prevent us from having one. Luckily, there are plenty of things that you can do to fix it up and make it absolutely perfect. Let the team...

Sugar-Free Damages Enamel Like Sugar

Sugar-Free Damages Enamel Like Sugar

Your Birmingham dental team knows that you worry about tooth health, for you and for your children. And we all know sugar damages teeth. It’s a big reason sugar-free snacks are so popular. Unfortunately, “sugar-free” snacks and beverages are as harmful as those with...

Pregnancy Gingivitis: What It Is and What To Do

Pregnancy Gingivitis: What It Is and What To Do

Most would agree that pregnancy is a special season in a woman's life. However, there are many changes that take place within the body during this season. The hormones are in a state of flux, and blood flow around your body increases to keep up with the growing baby’s...

Tongue Cleaning: Necessary or Not?

Tongue Cleaning: Necessary or Not?

There are different opinions on whether you should clean your tongue or not. Your Birmingham dentist recommends tongue cleaning if you’re dealing with bad breath. Sometimes, the bacteria on your tongue produces bad odors as it does its job of breaking down germs and...


Mon, Tue, Wed: 7:30am – 4:00pm
Thurs: 7:30am – 3:00pm
Fri, Sat, Sun: Closed
** Fridays are administrative work days for Roberson Dental.

Call (205) 871-2838

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Roberson Dental
357 Office Park Drive,
Birmingham, AL 35223


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