Why to Consider Professional Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening A healthy, bright smile portrays a sense of excellent overall health; however, if your teeth have been discolored due to natural aging or corrosive foods, you can still restore your whitest smile through quick and easy professional teeth whitening at...
Interdental Cleaners- What Are They?
Consult your Birmingham, AL dentist and learn about the different types of interdental cleaners. Dental cleaners come in various shapes and materials, including flossing thread, wood and plastic picks and interdental brushes.
Fighting Against the Opioid Abuse Epidemic
Opioid Abuse Opioid abuse has become a growing epidemic. Its impact has made its way into many different communities in our country, which has many implications for the medical field, especially dentistry. Thus, the American Dental Association has taken a strong...
Mon, Tue, Wed: 7:30am – 4:00pm
Thurs: 7:30am – 3:00pm
Fri, Sat, Sun: Closed
** Fridays are administrative work days for Roberson Dental.