May 30, 2022 | Overall Health, Preventative Dentistry
Don’t forget to add a dentist visit to your newborn’s birth-plan before he or she arrives. Getting an appointment during pregnancy is safe and essential for your dental health. Your dentist can also help you manage cleanings and treatments like fillings...
Jan 15, 2022 | Overall Health
Do you ever wake up tired after a full night’s sleep? Have you woken yourself up snoring or had a family member tell you that you snore loudly at night? If so, you may have sleep apnea. It’s a growing concern, and it is treatable. If you think you may have sleep...
Sep 15, 2020 | Oral Hygiene, Overall Health
There can be a few different things that can cause gums to swell. Not all of them require an immediate trip to your Birmingham, AL dentist. Even though swollen gums are not an emergency in most cases, they are a sign that something is wrong. You do need to schedule an...
Apr 15, 2020 | Dental News, Overall Health
During the COID-19 pandemic, and moving forward, patients of Roberson Dental can rest assured that we will continue to follow the recommendations provided by the American Dental Association. Your Birmingham Dental Team continues to see patients on a case-by-case and...
Jan 15, 2020 | Teeth, Oral Hygiene, Overall Health
Like it or not, we are in the midst of cold and flu season. Many houses will have members who experience one or the other and sometimes both. Of course, the primary goal is to kick it as soon as possible so you can feel better. You may not be thinking about your teeth...
Aug 16, 2019 | Overall Health, Oral Hygiene, Preventative Dentistry
It has recently come to light that there may be a strong link between obesity and oral health, with people who have a very high body mass index also having a strong prevalence of periodontal disease. Dr. Roberson of your Birmingham dental team is aware of this...